Jon's Deep and Meaningful

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

How do you start a blog like this?

This isn't really me, but I've now got my own blogspot. But what do you do next? Be serious or funny? Comment on the news or sport? Really be deep and meaningful?

So I thought I'd just share with you what's on my mind right now.

This includes:

the apologetics conference I am going to tomorrow and the next 2 days. Apologetics is something I've been interested in since I was a late teenager, ever since I crossed swords with my PHilosophy lecturers at Sydney University about such issues as the problem of evil. Another issue was the whole creation-evolution debate, now re-emerging as Intelligent Design. I went to an interesting seminar on this at the local Anglican church recently. The speaker was pushing a form of theistic evolution, which is also making a comeback, but I am not convinced. Seems to me that evolution is based on the unprovable assumption of "Uniformitarianism", i.e. all forces work the same as now forever and always have. One of the speakers I'm looking forward to hearing is Dr Alister McGrath, who is a (ex?) scientist as well as a theologian and apologist. Wonder what he thinks?

I am tempted to skip the last session to get home and see Newcastle Knights play Brisbane Broncos for a place in the NRL preliminary finals. Could be a very good game. Do we have a chance? Without danny Buderus, who will get a least 1 week suspension?

Another event will be the funeral of a student at Tabor (where I teach), Lambros Lourandos. Never knew him well, but visited him 3 times as he fought with cancer, and lost! He has a serious but joyful look and I really miss him. Unfortunately his death brings back memories of my dad's death and 2 good friends who dies in spite of fervent prayers in Newcastle in the 1980s.

So please comment on my first blog words!


At 3:09 PM, Blogger itspoetry said...

Just saw this. I knew Lambros. He was/is a great guy.


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